Please download our Q2 Newletter here.
Thank You for Your Continued Support!
Your commitment enables us to empower young lives in our community. Stay connected with the Ololo Foundation on Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube for regular updates on our journey to create a brighter future!
Donate and Make a Difference Your continued support is crucial in helping us sustain and expand our projects. We deeply appreciate any contribution you can make to empower the local community and create lasting change.
AUSTRALIAN DONATIONS For Aussie supporters, we take donations through 'Action on Poverty' which allows you to receive tax deductability on all donations make. Follow the below link, click donate, and select 'Ololo Foundation' as your chosen recipient.
INTERNATIONAL DONATIONS For donations from around the world, we take donations through our 'Donorbox' portal, which is a quick and easy way of donating. Follow the below link and choose either a once-off or monthly donation.